Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Emotional eating

I read this article today. I've known for sometime that I'm an emotional eater. When I'm stressed I eat. When I'm sad I eat. When I'm happy I eat. Food has always filled a void in me. I associate it with happiness. I now know I need to think about it another way. I've heard the phrase eat to live-not live to eat. I really think that is something I have to embrace.

We have been trying to eat paleo/primal. It's been hard. I work close to 50 hours a week. I'm in law school at night. Paleo FEELS right but with my current lifestyle it just isn't working.

I have decided to go back to low fat/calorie and focusing on clean eating. I know what is good for me and what isn't. I know what I need to do. I just have to remove my emotions from the equation and instead of eating to fill some problem I will now focus on eating to sustain a healthy me.

 I begin today.

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